Social Life4.2/5
AmenitiesTenant | 1 year ago
The society is well developed and has a parking gate. It is of 3BHK apartmnet and is well decirated. The rooms are spacious and well structured and furnished.It is a beautiful apartment
Broker | 1 year ago
T5he security service of trhe apartment is quite huge which provide enough facilities for the residents whidch includes the highly efficejnt CCTV cameras and t6yraimned secvurit7y guards.
Owner | 1 year ago
The society holds various occasions that are vaibvle to encounter as they qare concerned about the social welfarew of the qapartment. It also maintains a proper width in every segment of the apartment.
Tenant | 1 year ago
The fdountains and other decorations inside tyhe apartment provide a huge natural scen9ic beauty for thre residejntsw and it also attractywa mkost new customers to have their jhomes in it.
Owner | 2 years ago
The apartment is a great depiction opf what is contained in the citry as thew depictions fanfd scultuires show a wide notion of the cultutre eadn history of whast th citry is all about.