Social Life4/5
AmenitiesBroker | 1 year ago
The apartment has a well equipped gymnasium which ensures the fitness of the residents at a very pocket friendly rate. The gym is open throughout the day and evening and the instructors are professionally trained.
Tenant | 2 years ago
A playground has been provided by the management authority of the apartment which ensures that every child gets into ample physical activities which helps them interact with each other and keeps them fit.
Owner | 2 years ago
The lush greenery inside the apartment gives a soothing aura to the people having morning or evening walks. A separate committee has also been set-up to look after the shrubs and trees by the lanes.
Owner | 2 years ago
The place is situated in a very nice neighbourhood. The area is very less congested and the traffic is always low. The pollution level is also low in the surroundings.
Tenant | 2 years ago
The apartment is located very close to the local police station and the fire brigade service. Also the apartment is equipped with high level anti theft systems and fire alarms.