Social Life3.4/5
AmenitiesOwner | 11 months ago
The security is good in the society Balcony is available for all residents. Other facilities like gym, open space and play area is available. Parking is available in the society. People are friendly and cooperative, cultural events and festivals are celebrated together. The view outside the society is very good, the society is nice and peaceful.
The connectivity of the society is not good, public transports like auto, cabs are not available outside the society. Nearby local shops, super markets and grocery stores are not available outside the society. The society is not maintained and is not kept clean, hygine is not maintained. Water supply issues is a major drawback for this society. Water is unhyginic. Pest control is not done. A lot of electricity issues are faced, power cut offs are a major problem. There are no power backups. CCTV cameras does not work. People are not that friendly and cooperative, cultural events and festivals are not celebrated a lot. There are some constuction issues like leakage are seen in other flats in the society. Other facilities like swimmingpool is available but it is not functional. It is not safe at night specially for women. There was a nearby murder case that happed few days ago.
Owner | 1 year ago
The Mumbai based residency provides all facilities to the customers. The place is properly maintained and enough measures are taken to ensure the safety of the people. The price of the buildings is fixed accordingly.
Broker | 2 years ago
The place pays equal attention to the maintenance and the safety of the people. The price structure is set accordingly. The children are gifted with a play room where they can avail themselves of all the indoor games.
Tenant | 2 years ago
The place is a comfort zone for the people and has a quality of living. The buildings are constructed with proper planning. Parks and playgrounds are provided to the children to play and enjoy.
Owner | 2 years ago
The maintenance of the buildings of the residency is well planned. The place is safe and secure for the people. This place improves the health of the people by giving the facility of fresh air