3.5 BHK Independent House in Padra ₹52.0 LAverage Price: ₹2.48k/sq.ft2100 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Amenities: ParkingMDMadhuSudan DivediOwnerContact
1 BHK Independent House in Padra ₹26.0 LAverage Price: ₹4.0k/sq.ft650 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Amenities: ParkingRPRewa PrashantOwnerContact
1d ago3 BHK Independent House in Padra ₹73.0 LAverage Price: ₹7.3k/sq.ft1000 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Amenities: ParkingAPAshutosh PandeyAgentContact
1.9 kms away2 BHK Independent House in Duari ₹50.0 LAverage Price: ₹3.57k/sq.ft1400 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Nearby: De Paul School (Senior Secondary) Rewa- 1.7 km • Vindhya Hospital and Research Centre- Best Physician /Orthopedic / Gynecologis... • + MoreATAkhilesh TiwariOwnerContact
Request Images3.3 kms away1.5 BHK Independent House in Huzur ₹35.0 LAverage Price: ₹11.29k/sq.ft310 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Nearby: De Paul School (Senior Secondary) Rewa- 1.9 km • Vindhya Hospital and Research Centre- Best Physician /Orthopedic / Gynecologis... • + MoreUUserOwnerContact
Request Images4.7 kms away4 BHK Independent House in Vibhisan Nagar ₹55.0 LAverage Price: ₹4.4k/sq.ft1250 sq.ftBuiltup areaReady to movePossession status Nearby: Nascent Indian School- 0.1 km • Chirayu Hospital and Research Center- 0.1 km • Gyan Sweets And Restaurant- 0.1 km • Awasthi... • + MoreRSRakesh SinghOwnerContact