Jyoti CNC Automation, Atul Auto etc. are some of the top companies in Rajkot.
Priya BanerjeeNov 2023

The water park stays open for visitors from 10 am to 9 pm every day of the week.
Housing News DeskMay 2023

The airport is being developed over an area of 1,025 hectare, at a cost of around Rs 1,405 crore.
Harini BalasubramanianJan 2023

RUDA Rajkot-Rajkot Urban Development Authority (RUDA) allots affordable homes under PMAY. Here is everything about the process and governing body
Anuradha RamamirthamMar 2022

Over 1,100 parks have been developed so far across the country, under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), an official has said
PTIAug 2019

Commercial and office spaces reveal the course of the real estate market. Additionally, they also determine the future trends of residential demand
Ravi SinhaDec 2016