Rent property in the heart of Ghaziabad city. Security amount of Rs will be charged. Big and spacious affordable property available for rent at . Sprawling property available at affordable rent in Sector 3 Vasundhara. There is a lock-in period of 1 day months. All facilities for daily use available like ac, fridge, water purifier, . It is a and has provision for etc. Partial available with this big, spacious property offered at affordable rent. This property has facility. available for all residents. The housing project has 24/7 cctv surveilance. If your child studies in this is the best rental option for you. Some of the very well-known and reputed speciality hospitals like OPAL WHITE DENTAL IMPLANT AND BRACES CENTRE, Advance Dental Centre, Ayu Health Hospitals are just a walk away from this location.Read more