Rent property in the heart of Navi Mumbai city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in . Spacious property available for rent only in Belapur CBD. Genuine tenants only, property available with strict zero lock in period months lock-in period. Check out this affordable property which comes with @dining_table, microwave, washing machine, ac, fridge. Guaranteed security and round the clock cctv surveillance facility. Check out this beautiful property available for rent with 24-hour Full. It is a and has provision for four wheeler, etc. lift facility in certain towers of this property. available for all residents. Looking for a rental property near a healthcare provider? ACI Acharya Nanesh Hospital, MGM Hospital & Research Centre, Cloudnine Hospital - Nerul is closeby. City's best is now near your favourite housing project.Read more