Rent property in the heart of Hyderabad city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in Kukatpally. Property for rent available in Kukatpally. There is a lock-in period of 6 months months. Check out this affordable property which comes with @dining_table, ac, . Round the clock Full available with this big, sprawling property. available for all residents. This property has facility available. lift available for personal use. It is a and has provision for etc. Icon Hospitals, Anupama Hospital, Amrita ENT Head & Neck Hospital | ENT Hospital in Kukatpally | Pediatric ENT | Head & Neck Oncology are within walking distance. Rent a home near city's most famous school that is .Read more
1.2 km from Bagath Singh Nagar Phase 2