Rent property in the heart of Noida city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in . House for rent available in Sector 55, Noida. There is a lock-in period of 30 days months. This property is ready to move in and is equipped with all basic amenities such as ac, washing machine, microwave, fridge, water purifier, etc. Contact for more information. This affordable property has all facilities including two and four wheeler, . Best suited for fitness enthusiasts, the property has an in-house . The housing project has 24/7 cctv surveilance. Check out this beautiful property available for rent with 24-hour Partial. Affordable property available in . Metro Multispeciality Hospital: Best Hospital in Noida, Uttar Pradesh | Top Ranking Hospital in 2024, Aastha Healthcare, Prakash Hospital - Best Hospital in Noida is closeby. Want to rent a property near ? Your search ends here.Read more