Rent property in the heart of Gurgaon city. Security amount of Rs is fixed. Spacious property available for rent only in Sector 52. Check this project for some of the most beautiful and value for money properties. Property available on rent Ardee City. This property comes with a 6 months months lock-in period. All facilities for daily use available like . available with this big, spacious property offered at affordable rent. available for all residents. It is a and has provision for etc. available for personal use. The housing project has 24/7 surveilance. Some of the very well-known and reputed speciality hospitals like Arihant Hospital, Medharbour Multispeciality Hospital, Gurugram, Madalasa Hospital are just a walk away from this location. Best school, is now close to your housing project.Read more
0.3 km from Indira Colony 2