Rent property in the heart of Anand city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in . Affordable rental property available in Karamsad, check out now. 3 months months lock-in period negotiable on condition. This property is ready to move in and is equipped with all basic amenities such as water purifier etc. Contact for more information. 24-hour None available with this rented property. free for all residents. facility available. It is a gated community and has provision for two and four wheeler, etc. Ideal for families with proper cctv facility. Families opting for this location have the benefit of choosing among the many schools that are in the vicinity such as etc. Available for rent, property is close to Shri Krishna Hospital Senior Doctors Quarters, Bhanubhai and Madhuben Patel Cardiac Centre, Privilege Care.Read more