Rent property in the heart of Ghaziabad city. No negotiation on security charges of Rs . This property is available for rent in . Affordable property available in Gyan Khand II at unbelievable prices. Check out now. No 5 months period. All facilities for daily use available like ac, microwave, fridge, water purifier, . It is a and has provision for two wheeler, swimming pool, etc. Guaranteed security and round the clock surveillance facility. In-house gym for all tenants. facility available. Partial available with this big, spacious property offered at affordable rent. Smoothly connected to reputed schools like . Nationwide famous LYF Hospital, AmiCare Hospital, Eternity Hospital- Dr. Arvind Jain and Dr. Rashmi Jain is near this property.Read more
0.3 km from Gyan Khand III