Rent property in the heart of Indore city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. Spacious property available for rent only in Mahalakshmi Nagar. This property is available for rent in . There is a lock-in period of zero lock in period months. All facilities for daily use available like washing machine, microwave, fridge, water purifier, . Ideal for families with proper cctv facility. Nominal fee for using . It is a and has provision for etc. Round the clock Full available with this big, sprawling property. lift available for personal use. Strategically located within 2 km of famous Kibs Hospital (Child birth , Maternity ,Gynecology and Child treatment Center) -(NABH accredited hospital), Dr. Ranjanpreet Singh- Gynaecologist | Infertility | High risk pregnancy | Painless Delivery | Fibroids | Doctor | Indore, Madhavbaug Clinic - Mahalaxmi Nagar, Indore. Rent a home near schools. is nearby.Read more