Rent property in the heart of Gurgaon city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in . Affordable rental house available in Sector 12. 30 days months of lock-in period. Check out this affordable property which comes with @dining_table, washing machine, ac, fridge. It is a gated community and has provision for two and four wheeler, etc. This property has cctv facility available. facility in certain towers of this property. gym available for all residents. Partial available with this big, spacious property offered at affordable rent. Looking for a rental property near a healthcare provider? Sheetla Hospital (Apollo Spectra Hospitals), Canwinn Aarogya Dham (A unit of CanWinn Foundation), Triveni Hospital is closeby. Best rental option for families with school going children. is nearby.Read more