Rent property in the heart of Jaipur city. Security amount of Rs is fixed. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in . Sprawling property available at affordable rent in Vaishali Nagar. Changes can be made to 30 days period months lock-in. All facilities for daily use available like ac, fridge, water purifier, . available for personal use. It is a and has provision for two and four wheeler, etc. 24-hour Full available with this rented property. Ideal for families with proper cctv facility. Best suited for fitness enthusiasts, the property has an in-house . kideny care center, dr. suraj godara, Dr Atul Kasliwal - Best | Cardiologist | Angiography | Angioplasty | Pacemaker | Heart Attack| Doctor | Jaipur, Aanjaneya Ayurveda and Panchkarma Center are within walking distance. Best school, is now close to your housing project.Read more