Uppilipalayam is a booming locality of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. It is aptly connected region that enjoys good connectivity through roadways that pass through the region. The major road routes include Link Road, Kamaraj Road, Masakalipalayam Road and Bajanal Kovil Street. The most important link is The Trichy Road. There are many affiliated educational institutions around the region like KSG College, National Model School, National Model Higher Secondary School and many others that are in easy reach. There are numerous health facilities too present in the area to tend to the medical needs of local such as The VGM Hospital, Naveen Hospital and NG Hospital. There are also many landmarks present in the area that add to the uniqueness of the area like GV Residency Water Tank Read More
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the other projects done by GSquare in Coimbatore?
Make sure to check the latest guideline value in Tamil Nadu if you are buying a land or any property in the state. Visit official TNREGINET portal to find the guideline values in TN online.
Coimbatore will see continued expansion in its residential real estate sector, the growth in its micro-markets fuelled by the availability of land and closeness to major commercial centres and the airport.
The Coimbatore residential market has seen robust growth, propelled by factors such as infrastructure development, expansion of industrial activities, increased job opportunities and growth in the education sector.